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Old 04-28-2014, 01:43 AM   #106
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Default Re: English and american language !

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It's the similarity in some words or phrases US and UK that fascinates me. I hear them now and again, can only think of two right now. In the West country (of UK, where I be) we use the words yon and yonder, for distance. Over yonder hill. Yonder is farther than yon. It's not used (I think) commonly elsewhere in UK. I see in the US some southerners use yonder. Also saying "brung" ie to fix your car, I brung my tools. Again I hear southerns in the US using "brung".
As for the speed of some talking, some of the US made telly programs have speech much faster than I can hear. West country folk talk slow drive fast and drink lots of cider. I'm talking proper cider, the ingredients of which is Apple's And time. Squash the apples, skin and all, let him sit and ferment away for a piece of time. When he gets to about 7-8% alcohol, drink him. This is murky stuff with sediment and stuff all left in. You buy it by the gallon, for about £7, it will make you fall over, laugh alot, and make new friends. It's a very sociable drink. When we're out and about in different parts, everybody swaps glugs or cups or what have you. Comparing tastes.
I believe the cider in the US is just apple juice, but not fermented?
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