Thread: MAFCA lawsuit
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Old 06-01-2013, 11:57 PM   #26
Mike V. Florida
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Default Re: MAFCA lawsuit

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Originally Posted by sgwilson904 View Post
This case always strikes a nerve when cited as a good example of why there should be so-called tort reform. I dunno, maybe it's a lifetime of working as an investigative reporter sorting the truth from the spin, maybe it's the experience of working for those "fair and balanced" broadcasters who pressured me to use the public airways to deliberately lie to viewers. Whatever it is, before you, too, swallow the spin on the "McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit" take a look at the actual facts of the case here:

And, just for fun, see a lawyer's perspective here:

Just sayin' can't always believe what you hear, and sometimes not even what you THINK you see!
Since you brought it back up (mcdonalds) The coffee was always served at that temp. Unless the woman never bought a coffee from them she knew it was hot but yet she did not remove the lid from the coffee away from her body. No she placed it in the most sensitive area of the body and must have used two hands to remove the lid that was designed to stay on and prevent burns. Hot liquids burn and being almost 80 years old she must have known that.

Sorry your links just reinforced my belief that the injury was was her fault, if she ordered orange juice and she was burned doing the same thing then that would be different.
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