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Old 09-06-2012, 10:01 AM   #3
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Touring with a Model A ?

Originally Posted by ivoryjohn View Post
My question is: Are the wonderful pieces of machinery we so lovingly restore and whose life we are prolonging meant to be driven long distance and return? I cast no shadow on trailering a car for any number of reasons but is driving them 2000 miles on a cruise too much to expect of them?

I would like to hear from those that drive the wheels off their cars and those that trailer and their reasons for doing so.
While this ain't the same car, I think it will establish a baseline to answer what you are asking. Next Wednesday, my wife & I are going to drive 300 miles up the Blue Ridge Parkway (...and then on the Skyline Parkway) to Luray, VA in a 1915 Model-T. The technology advances are huge between a T and an A, so if it can be done in a T, then doing the same in an A should be as easy and just as rewarding.

Like Paul said, a AAA card in the wallet will be a great insurance plan if you need to tow but before that, my suggestion is to drive a sensible speed where you and the vehicle don't feel 'pressure'. If something does break, find a safe place to pull over and take the time to properly assess the entire situation. Haste also creates stress in this area too. The 3rd thing that I think makes all the world of difference is "knowing" your car. You have indicated you have been working on the car which I am assuming means you have been inspecting and repairing items that are sub-standard. That is good because you then have the ability to diagnose and troubleshoot many items just going down the road using your eyes, your ears, your nose, ...and your brain. Sounds like you are up to the challenge in my view. My answer to the naysayers is "Our life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!" If you never take the chance, you will never experience the 'experience'!!


BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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