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Old 03-13-2022, 02:53 PM   #11
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Location: Along the Red River, Texas
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Default Re: Cost of a NEW Model A in 1930?

My dad grew up a preacher's son in the 30's. Which means they had lots of vegetables, a few chickens, and very little cash show up in the offering plate. Grandpa cut hair on the side to help pay the bills. Dad talked about walking 2 hours to get to the cotton patch, chopping cotton all day for 2 dollars on a bologna sandwich, then walking home 2 hours. Everyone hitched a ride, but they were few. He made friends with a WWI vet who had a horse drawn wagon working the same patch. He said he felt like he hit the lotto! You didn't go to the dr. for the sniffles, hell you didn't go at all. He said if turpentine, iodine, or a mustard plaster didn't get you well, then you were a goner. My Great-grandpa cut the sidewall out of old tires and put them on over a new set. You had to make slow turns or you'd throw them off.

Yes, we have no concept about how bad is was, or how bad it CAN be.
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