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Old 03-22-2017, 07:15 AM   #4
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Default Re: 36 Roadster Cooling

Originally Posted by tubman View Post
Just curious. Was this with or without thermostats? It seems like you have the cooling problems well in hand. Wouldn't it be better to run it a little hotter for everyday driving? Either install thermostats or if they are already in, changing them to 180's. It may not be exactly the same, but the guy who rebuilt the engine in my Corvette, put in a 160 thermostat, and I had problems with plug fouling until I changed it out for a 180. (the problem was exacerbated because the plugs specified OEM for the engine are too cold for regular driving.)
When testing you don't want thermostats or anything that RESTRICTS the
flow. We want to know the coolest the engine will run. You can't do much
to make it run cooler other than more forced air. Thermostats do nothing
to cool an engine, they only make it run hotter. Once the coolest temp is found then we can adjust the running temperature to whatever we want.
In cooler climate locations I prefer 180 stats, but the stats must have large flow openings so the flow through the engine and radiator is the full flow of the pumps and not cut down by any restriction. I'm located in SW Florida
and the temperature seldom gets below 80 degrees. Although I do have Fords with Bob Shewman's full flow stats that run between 178 and 182 I doubt I will put stats in the 2 36's. We are getting almost twice the flow
with Skips pumps and don't want to do anything to cut it down. G.M.
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