Thread: Security???
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Old 05-22-2015, 09:25 PM   #52
Marco Tahtaras
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Default Re: Security???

Originally Posted by 31 Model A View Post
You got that right!!! Even to sell as scrape metal. A meth fix has to happen someway.

Getting back to what I asked, say someone sees your name and address, especially address and they know you have a Model A, first find a sleazy buyer and you have a sale, all the low life has to do now is make a visit when you're not home or when the time is right. Why make things any easier than what they are? Sorry but address is out of the question..............times have changed.
WOW! If that is how life is where you live then I sincerely recommend you don't offer anything for sale except to someone you know. I sure couldn't live where you are!

As was noted by at least one respondent, the chances of anyone stealing running Model A is so incredibly remote due to logistics (can't start it, can't market it) that there is no sense in feeling like a potential victim. Your odds of winning a lottery are likely much higher unless there is something specific to you that you aren't telling us.

If this hobby can cause anyone that much fear and/or stress then it's time to move onto something else!
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