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Old 01-04-2015, 11:39 AM   #101
Ol' Ron
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Default Re: 59 AB engine rebuild

I think the biggest problem here is the definition of a rebuilt engine. When rebuilding an engine you can make some modifications that will improve reliability, power and economy. With out spending any more money than a stock rebuild.
Unfortunately, a "Souped up engine" lands in a different class and depending on your pocket book can be quit expensive. But after spending all that money the power output will still be less than a hot rice burner.
"Aesthetics" cost money, even on the inside of the engine, Like. Aperson asks "can I use solid adjustable lifters?" Why not? they work just as well as the lighr weight ones, in a stock or mild rebuilt. Garry want's to use Bronze guides. Nice do they work" Yes. are they the best you cna use in you engine? Yes. But knurelled stock guides work very well too at less than half the cost. Then we go to pistons. Forged or cast. Racing, I'd use forged. for street I'd use cast. Balancing, again, it depends on the rotating assy if you have all the original stock parts and only change pistons, not necessary. The vast majority of rebuilt engines never get re- balanced. This could go on, but I just want youse guys to think about tje application of your engine before you plunk down the$$$$$$. The hourly rat of these shops have gone up to the point that if we don't come up with a reasonable rebuilt engine the Flatheat head will go the way of the Gooney bird.
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